Save the image locally to your desktop in a graphic file format such as. Create a LinkedIn button image like the one below, or download ours by right clicking and hitting “save as.”Ģ.
Here’s how you add a button in Microsoft Outlook but if you use a different email program, the steps might be somewhat different if you go below these instructions you will find how to create a LinkedIn button link for Mac Mail or Gmail too.ġ. Just a couple of weeks back we published a stylish “View my company profile on LinkedIn” button which you can read more about here and this button I styled the same way so you can have a matching pair in your email signature – snazzy eh?
One of our most popular blog posts ever has been about how to add a “View my LinkedIn profile” button to an email signature but it was so long ago that we thought it deserved an update. How to add a “view my LinkedIn profile” button to your Outlook email signature (plus Gmail and Mac Mail)